Sunday, January 20, 2008


So it would seem there really are some cool ads (see Brian's blog). But it would also seem that the devil may site scripture for his purposes. The other day, while walking down NW 23rd Avenue, my attention was averted to a large yellow truck that was cruising the streets. The truck was covered, literally, in advertisements. One on the back and on either side. And you'd think that three ads promoting useless products (I forgot exactly what they were, but remember them being completely ridiculous) would be enough for any passerby. But I guess the advertisers didn't think so. The ads would actually scroll through different ads. Like those things you see on the MAX that say "Red Line" or "Blue Line". Those things can scroll through different words so that it can change from Blue Line to, say, City Center. That kind of thing. Well, those things were on the truck as well. It would cycle through several different ads, simply barraging people with mindless crap.
The advertisers have stepped over boundaries. It won't be long now until... Until they destroy the world! ... Yeah..


Lenhardt Stevens said...
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Lenhardt Stevens said...

I was watching the Australian Open today when I noticed that on the screen at all times is an endorsement for a product. Moreover, at individual close-ups of the players is a single company name enveloping the television frame with the player. It made me laugh, then it made me buy some shampoo.

Anonymous said...

Have you not seen Mobile Billboards?
Here's one site that sells their services

I've seen these and wondered about them. The renter gives us this gem:
"Our new fleet of trucks, deliver a giant eye-catching rolling billboard message that can travel to any zip code where it's needed the most."

"Quick, sir, downtown is severely lacking in billboards! We need more, STAT!"
God forbid that we have too few advertisements!