Sunday, January 20, 2008


So it would seem there really are some cool ads (see Brian's blog). But it would also seem that the devil may site scripture for his purposes. The other day, while walking down NW 23rd Avenue, my attention was averted to a large yellow truck that was cruising the streets. The truck was covered, literally, in advertisements. One on the back and on either side. And you'd think that three ads promoting useless products (I forgot exactly what they were, but remember them being completely ridiculous) would be enough for any passerby. But I guess the advertisers didn't think so. The ads would actually scroll through different ads. Like those things you see on the MAX that say "Red Line" or "Blue Line". Those things can scroll through different words so that it can change from Blue Line to, say, City Center. That kind of thing. Well, those things were on the truck as well. It would cycle through several different ads, simply barraging people with mindless crap.
The advertisers have stepped over boundaries. It won't be long now until... Until they destroy the world! ... Yeah..

Monday, January 14, 2008

The Media

Watching and believing the news you hear on T.V.
is the same as being a small bird being fed
regurgitated food by your mother.

Thanks, Scott.

Saturday, January 12, 2008


I've always hated being with my little brothers whenever they are in a supermarket. They always spend so much time in the candy isle, trying to choose a candy to buy.

But it wasn't until just a little while ago that I realized something.

While watching them, I saw the reason that they have to take so long. As a direct result of there being so many different kinds of candy to choose from, they were completely confused. It almost seems like they feel totally overwhelmed. I think part of the time they spend looking at the shelves is spent just calming themselves down and adjusting their eyes to focus on one thing at a time.
And in the end, they just end up saying, "I don't know what to get! I'll just get this one."

"Whatever," I say.

And there it is. de Zengotita strikes again.
My brothers don't even know what they want anymore because they can't even focus on anything. It's almost like, not only do we become indifferent because there are so many options, but also because we just get so confused with ourselves that we end up forgetting exactly what you want.

Just watching them trying to choose makes me feel a little overwhelmed.